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Foods those increase your sexual stamina naturally

Foods those increase your sexual stamina naturally

Eating the right foods can increase passion and sexual stamina to both men and women. These natural vegetarian foods will help you boost your sexual stamina and make your love life going. They are Spinach, Almonds, Dry fruits, Berries and Citrus, Brown rice, Green leaves, Avocado, Watermelon, Corn, Coffee and Eggs.
Out of all green vegetable, spinach is a strong source of magnesium. Magnesium helps dilate blood vessels and ensures better blood flow to the genitals thereby creating greater arousal for men and women both. Spinach, Swiss chard, broccoli, cabbage, and kale are also good sources of folate and called as the sex nutrient.

These are the natural sex foods that increase your sexual stamina

1. Spinach - is a strong source of magnesium
2. Banana - rich in Vitamin B and bromelain
3. Almonds - are filled with vitamin E
4. Watermelon - the new Viagra according to many experts
5. Avocado - the fruit
6. Eggs - the best food for sexual power

Spinach - A strong source of magnesium

Out of all green vegetable, spinach is a strong source of magnesium. Magnesium helps dilate blood vessels and ensures better blood flow to the genitals thereby creating greater arousal for men and women both. Spinach, Swiss chard, broccoli, cabbage, and kale are also good sources of folate and called as the sex nutrient.

Banana increase Libido and Sexual Stamina

Bananas are rich in Vitamin B and bromelain. Best of these two minerals are good in regulation testosterone and increase sexual performance, Sexual desire and overall virility.

Almonds - are filled with vitamin E

Almonds along with other nuts and seeds like as cashews and walnuts are a great source of essential fatty acid of Omega 3 that increase testosterone which acts as the major sex hormone in men. It also contains nutrients like magnesium, calcium, vitamin B2 and vitamin E. A healthy handful of Almonds contains - 50% DV of Vitamin E, 20% DV of Magnesium and 13% DV of Fiber. A handful is 1oz. of almonds.
DV = DAILY VALUE is developed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to help the consumers to compare the nutrient contents of the products within the context of a total diet.

Watermelon - the new Viagra for Sexual Stamina

Watermelon the new Viagra according to and called by many experts. Eating watermelon will deliver effects akin as Viagra. Watermelon fruit contains citrulline amino acid, which is extremely good for cardiovascular system and help in relax blood vessels that enhance your sex drive. Watermelons help getting in the mood for sexual drive because they increase libido. For those who are looking for a boost in their sexual life needs to add this sweet fruit in their daily eating.

Avocado - benefits in giving high drive levels

Avocado the fruit, this fruit named commonly as "ahucatl" and or the "testicle tree". Not only being just delicious, it is extremely benefits in giving high drive levels in your body. Due to high level of folic acid in avocado, it gives you more energy by metabolizing proteins as the vitamins B6. Vitamin B6 increase male hormone production. Avocado regulates the thyroid gland in women. Therefore, this fruit benefit for us both men and women. Back in the days avocado considered as a special sex food.

Eggs - the best food for sex power

Eggs the best food for sexual power, eggs certainly helps in increasing the longevity of a human’s sexual life. It also quoted as one of the best and purest sources of protein. Eggs are rich in vitamins like B6 and B5. Which helps balancing hormone levels and responsible for healthy libido. Eggs help in fighting stress and boosting your sex drive also ensuring harder erections. Taking eggs in the morning is the perfect ways to kick start your day that will end with steamy sex.
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