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It is important to know the symptoms of breast cancer.

Breast cancer is one of the main causes of cancer deaths worldwide in the world. USA is also not an exception in this regard, "Cancer Registry Report, National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital 2005-2007" shows that in Bangladesh, the rate of breast cancer in women is 25.6%, but unfortunately it is true that the rate of cancer is increasing every other time. However, about 90% of the patients with breast cancer can survive for 5 years or more by early detection and proper treatment.
Initially, the need for awareness of awareness of breast cancer and the signs of the need to know.
Breast Cancer Symptoms

1. Feel the breasts or bumps. During these menstruation, this type of symptom occurs for many women and it goes away after the menstrual period, there is no scary, but it is necessary to check if these symptoms persist.
Such a type of breast or colonization is not usually felt in the pain, but it can be felt like a type of pimple.

2. Fluid without any reason at some places in the armpit.

3. Feeling of redness or pain somewhere in the breast.

4. Any part of the breast will be given abnormally.

5. Changes in size, color, skin polishing or temperature vary.
The symptoms of advanced breast cancer are found in the skin of reddish aura and orange lemon pea on nipple skin. If there is such a symptom, it is necessary to take the advice of a cancer specialist without having to do a period of time.

6. Some changes in nipple, such as nipple, itching, irritation, burns, scabs, or presence of wounds or blow.

7. Unusual emission from the nipple. In this case, the nipple may be cleansed, blood-drawn or food-colored thin or glue fluid emitted.

8. Feeling any type of skin under the skin.

9. Any kind of change that is apparently abnormal in the breast.

Dr. Lubna Mariam
Cancer specialist,
Assistant Professor,
National Cancer Research Institute and Hospital, Mohakhali, USA

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